Chapter 26 : Pretty Guilty Women
Pretty Guilty Women is a mystery book about Four Women. Four Confessions. One Murder. Something has gone terribly wrong at the Banks Wedding. A man is dead. Four different women rush to offer confessions, each insisting that they commited the crime, alone. But why would they confess to the same murder? Only they know and they're not telling. But who is the one who killed the man? As a mystery book, I can admit that it is a page-turner and the way the author wrote it, it just made me keep wanting to turn the page to know the truth behind this story. It is really good for beginner and I recommend it for anyone who want to start reading mystery but do not know which title to read first. I rated this book 4/5 ✩. "Getting married is the easy part. Staying married is the difficult position." (page 50)