Chapter 23 : Freak 'N' Gorgeous

This is the review for debut novel by Sebastian J. Plata, Freak 'N' Gorgeous.


It covers story of Camilla and Konrad, who experiences Inexplicable Development, a rare occurrence with permanent consequences. It turned someone's physical appearance/ability according to what they've wanted. 

In simplee way, and average-looking, under-the-radar sixteen-year-old Konrad Wolnik's life is turned upside down when, one morning, he wakes up stunningly attractive. In other hand, Camilla Hadi, has her own transformation; the lean, pretty athlete is now devastatingly ugly. The teens face the cruel world of high school from very different perspectives. Konrad shoots to the top of the pecking order, Camilla slips into pariah status. But soon the school starts rallying around Camilla, and Konrad’s sudden popularity sours as people blame him for her transformation. And, the truth is, so does she.

All he wants is for everyone to like him. All she wants is to destroy his perfect life. 

It is actually an interesting idea to be covered in a book. But unfortunately, I find this book is kind of lack of chemistry between them. It is not escalated that good. 

Overall, I kind of disappointed with this book because I expect more. I rated this book for 2.75/5 ✩.

A quote that I want too cite from this book : 

"Looks have power. Even if you say they don't matter, they do."

(page 238)


Additional details of this book :

  • Comes with hardcover, ebook and kindle edition.
  • Genre : Young Adult, Contemporary, Fiction
  • Author : Sebastian J. Plata
  • Pages : 312 pages
  • Goodreads rating : 3.43/5.00 ✩ 
  • Published in September 11th, 2018


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